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Restoring America by Restoring Law & Order

"It's time to send A JUDGE TO WASHINGTON!"

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We reasonably demand honest, transparent service and accountability from those who represent us.  That is the commitment I have demonstrated in my public service work, and it is the commitment I will continue as a Congressman. I respect and cherish our guaranteed freedoms, and I believe in a strong democratic republic.  

ResTOring law & ORder in North Carolina

As a Judge and prosecutor, I spent decades holding criminals accountable. Send a Judge

to Washington to support law enforcement and to diminish the rise of crime brought on

by the misguided policies of the radical left. The guarantees of safety must be restored

and achieved – and only then can our cities and communities thrive.

RESToring law & order at our southern border

The crisis at our Southern Border amounts to an ungoverned, unmanaged, and lawless

situation. Drugs - and the violence and destruction associated with it - are pouring into

our Nation. And the circumstances amount to a profound national security risk. It

cannot be tolerated, and the policies of Joe Biden and far-left Democrats are not

eliminating the dangers and accomplishing what is necessary to make us safe. The

shocking, unsustainable impacts will be felt by all Americans – not merely those along

the border. I spent decades as a rule of law prosecutor and Judge. We need a Judge in

Washington – and a tireless, relentless advocate and champion -- who will help to

restore law and order at our Southern Border and end this crisis.

Restoring law & order in Washington

The corruption of many career politicians in Washington DC cannot continue. The

policies of Joe Biden largely neglect the needs of everyday Americans. ‘Bidenomics’ and

the hands-off approach to our most pressing national needs do not work. Worldwide,

many view our Nation as weak. In Washington, I will advance commonsense solutions

that restore our America and that reject the reckless policies of Joe Biden and the far-

left. I will protect our democratic republic from government overreach; ensure the

continuing strength of our Constitution; and respect our individual Liberties.

Restoring fiscal responsibility in washington

Washington continues to fail us with reckless, out-of-control spending by Democrats and some

Republicans. To restore America, we must restore fiscal responsibility. Washington continues

to saddle the next generations of North Carolinians with increasing debt. We must have

leaders in Washington who will reject special interests and who will implement a responsible

spending path that returns this Nation to fiscal health and security.

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